Ideas for Your Summer!


L’estate sta arrivando e con lei tante imperdibili possibilità!

Ragionare sul proprio futuro in un periodo di calma e rilassatezza come l’estate è la cosa migliore per fare delle scelte ben ponderate e incisive. Questa sarà un’estate a dir poco particolare, anomala: la stragrande maggioranza delle esperienze “pre college”, delle “summer school” e dei “summer camp” purtroppo salteranno.
Nulla è perduto però!

Ho accuratamente selezionato per voi una serie di corsi
che in base ai vostri indirizzi, possono farvi approfondire le competenze e vi possono preparare per un futuro viaggio studio all’estero.
Sono tutte esperienze che vi consiglio perché ben strutturate e progettate, che utilizzano tecniche all’avanguardia e che vi permetteranno anche di conoscere e interagire con tanti studenti stranieri.

Da Yale a Stanford, dal Marketing al Design Thinking,
eccovi i migliori corsi on line per la vostra estate!

University of Virginia
“Today innovation is everyone’s business. Whether you are a manager in a global corporation, an entrepreneur starting up, in a government role, or a teacher in an elementary school, everyone is expected to get lean – to do better with less.”

Yale University
“In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change.”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Massachusetts Institute of Technology “This course will teach you to look at the world through the lens of problem discovery and problem solving. You will explore problems that you see in your life and in the world and evaluate their potential for entrepreneurial innovation. You will iterate toward solutions that are just right. As you do that, you will become a user innovator.”

The University of Queensland Australia
IELTS is the world’s most popular English language test fo2r those wanting to study in higher education in an English-speaking country.

This IELTS course will prepare you to take the IELTS Academic tests with confidence. You will have immediate access to over 80 hours of interactive practice materials covering each of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.”

university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“This course examines how digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, are revolutionizing the world of marketing by changing the roles and practices of both firms and consumers. Marketing in a Digital World is one of the most popular courses on Coursera with over 250,000 Learners and is rated by Class Central as one of the Top 50 MOOCs of All Time (”

The University of California, San Diego
“Want to become a biomedical engineer but not sure where to focus or how to get there? This engineering course will give you an overview of this wildly popular and vast field, as you learn about more than two dozen areas of focus and get a peek at some of the cool and exciting advances going on at top institutions.”

Yale University
“What are people most afraid of? What do our dreams mean? Are we natural-born racists? What makes us happy? What are the causes and cures of mental illness? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, persuasion, emotions, and social behavior.”

Stanford University
“This self-paced course provides an overview of women’s health and human rights, beginning in infancy and childhood, then moving through adolescence, reproductive years and aging. We consider economic, social, political and human rights factors, and the challenges women face in maintaining health and managing their lives in the face of societal pressures and obstacles.

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