Ideas for Your Summer 2021!
Torna la guida di Katja Iuorio Educational Consulting per cogliere il meglio dai mesi estivi!
L’estate 2021 promette di essere finalmente più “normale” rispetto a quella scorsa nonostante il contesto sia ancora movimentato e per alcuni aspetti incerto. In mezzo a tutte le incognite c’è però un’idea che ci guida: il periodo estivo è l’occasione ottimale per cogliere nuove opportunità e poter così ragionare sugli scenari futuri!
Trascorrere la tua estate imparando una nuova skill o facendo ricerca è il modo migliore per proiettarsi in aventi senza stress di scadenze imminenti.
Abbiamo selezionato alcuni corsi per voi
Corsi che, in base ai propri indirizzi di studio, approfondiscono le competenze e vi preparano per un futuro viaggio studio all’estero
Di seguito la selezione 2021 per la vostra estate!
Immerse Education
“An opportunity to learn from expert academics from Oxford and Cambridge University. Combine 1:1 tutorials with the development of your own university-style academic research project..”
Imperial College London
“In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change.”
University of Maryland (Coursera)
“To acquire an understanding of the fundamental concepts of genomics and biotechnology, and their implications for human biology, evolution, medicine, social policy and individual life path choices in the 21st century.”
ISB (Coursera)
With digital transformation, products and business models in today’s competitive environment are increasingly being transformed by technology. This new digital economy places information technology (IT) at the centre of firm strategy and operations, and requires a new breed of IT managers and leaders who can examine technology through a business lens.”
“This Specialization will introduce you to the art of our time. Through original films and audio, you will go behind the scenes to look closely at artworks and into studios to hear directly from artists, designers, curators and others. This Specialization is for anyone who would like to learn more about modern and contemporary art. No prior knowledge is required. Enroll to receive invitations to virtual events, gain exclusive access to MoMA resources, and share ideas with an international learner community.”
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